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Islands in the Chesapeake

This author is a recipient

of the Sigma Tau Delta Award

Sigma Tau Delta Awarde

Philip Goldfarb Styrt

lives in Davenport, Iowa, USA with his wife, toddler, and toothless dog. His poetry focuses on traditional forms with modern flair and has been published in the Eastern Iowa Review, Coffee People Zine, and Quercus, among others. Styrt is a faculty member at St. Ambrose University.


“It’s hard,” she said, “to live against the shore,

Hoping the water will not wear away

The rocks beneath you. Every year it slides

Closer and closer. Someday nothing more

Will be left here, except the surging gray

Of cloudy water. So the sea abides.

But I could not imagine leaving here,

Even once the sea drowns our foundation;

The slow insistence of the land’s ablation

Is insignificant against the sheer

Delight of standing nightly at the pier

Watching with intense exhilaration

As horny egrets hunt each blue cetacean

Across the tidal, rocky, reaching mere.”

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