In the Woods
This author is a recipient
of the Sigma Tau Delta Award

or blood.
Butterfly’s wings silent flutters.
I want to cup you
in my palms –
Gulp you down like
red wine.
Fireflies in the bushes.
Crows perched in a tree.
Bruised knees and
scraped elbows.
You remind me of
fever dreams at thirteen.
They grip me and refuse to
let go.
Sand in your teeth.
Tar in my throat.
You are fairies.
Old mossy trees.
Moths with ink
dripping from their wings.
I dream of dead and decaying things.
Mice digging tunnels
through an abandoned garden.
Brown leaves and rotting pumpkins.
Running away,
always away.
Pools of moon water –
smashed acorns –
a heart-shaped jar
with something thick
and dark
oozing out of its
Hollow trees call out
in creaking voices.
Some old tune that crawls
under your skin –
drudging up something
Lightning strikes above.
Heat and electricity
palpable in the air.
Something almost tangible.
Soft dark plums
in restless hands.
Tattoos like black lace
cover your skin.
Smoke gently slides up
from between parted petal lips
in spots we can’t
be seen.
A laugh echos
living things –
prying open my ribs
to allow for more room.
Spiderwebs like silk
swiftly brushed aside.
Silver rings
and bright eyes.
Misty gray permeates –
enveloping everything
in its reach.
Olivia Jobe is a current student at St. Ambrose University who loves the little things. <3